Notes From The Field- Benzie County, Michigan

I arrived in Benzie County, Michigan on March 6th of this year to start and lead a two month long project called Stories That Heal with Interlochen Public Radio. I wanted to respond as an artist and as a human to the deep emotional/mental health challenges we are facing in my own small way. Benzie is a county I have deep roots in and it is an honor to be working here.

I am reminded this week of how listening can be a profound act of healing. I have noticed over the past 29 years or so doing this kind of creative engagement work that deep listening itself often activates healing. It contains the simple message that the person or community listened to matters, this moment matters, and it matters that we are connecting. I may not be met with the same attention or perspective from those with whom I engage and I do not expect it. I am convinced heart-felt listening always has impact.

I have long subscribed to the power of the compassionate witness founded in deep listening. For me the true ability to realize being a compassionate witness comes from the internal process of turning into, and eventually integrating, the experiences of pain, discomfort and fear. Everywhere I turn people are facing deep losses, traumas and more - both in themselves and in the people to whom they are connected. I have as well. I have learned to steady myself over and over again in the face of uncertainty. I have learned to be more present through building an inner foundation freeing myself from a kind of inner bondage to habitual fear responses. As a result I feel spaciousness within and with that I am a much better listener to myself, others and to the world around me.

Now a month plus into this project I am beginning to piece together an internal understanding of where to connect in as a musical artist knowing the power of music and story to change narratives, to address systemic inequity and brutality, empower the unique life-affirming creativity that exists in each person and community, and lift spirits. There is a great power in the exchange and co-creation of stories that is the basis of this project. In doing so, in sharing our vulnerabilities, we can dispel some of the fear, shame and isolation that dampens our experiences and feelings of wellbeing.

I am convinced we can, and are, finding new capacities and strengths during these turbulent times. We can shape new meaning from the pain and challenges that many have experienced or are currently facing. I know we are truly stronger for it and in that our interconnected shared heart knows how to lead us if we allow ourselves to listen with an open heart.

About Stories That Heal